Cookie Policy

How We Use Cookies on Our Website

NexaByteX uses all possible resources to make the customer experience as satisfactory as possible. This includes the use of ‘cookies’. When a customer lands on our website, their computer, tablet, or mobile device will obtain a ‘cookie’ from our server. A cookie is a small file placed on the user’s device, uses the data obtained during the user’s session, and optimizes the experience for the next visit to the site. Whenever you see that our platform has remembered your user data, your most recent purchase, or some other piece of information, this is because of cookies.

NexaByteX does not have any control over cookies used by third parties. For example, if you use a third-party website to click on NexaByteX, that website could also send a cookie to your device.

Terms of Use

Here are the different types of cookies we differentiate between:

A browser cookie is a cookie that will not store any identifying information about you, the use of the site, or your behavior. Browser cookies simply allow us to recognize your browser. Only in cases where you provide voluntary agreement can we gather any other data. Cases, where you provide voluntary agreement, are creating a user account, submitting data to access a special offer, or corresponding with our customer support team.

A session cookie is a cookie that has a limited duration. This cookie will only be active during the period when your current Internet session is active. These cookies are deleted every time you exit your browser or clear your history.

A persistent cookie is a tracking cookie that stays active on your device after closing the current session, clearing your browser history, or restarting your computer.

NexaByteX uses session cookies to identify you when you log into your account. We use the information provided by these cookies to quickly process any inquiries or requests made on the customer’s behalf and for transaction processing. We also use session cookies to ensure that the person logging into the account is you to prevent misuse of user accounts.

Persistent cookies are used extremely cautiously and only in a limited array of functions. NexaByteX does not use permanent cookies for the storage of account numbers or passwords.

All users have the option available to disable cookies and delete any cookies saved so far. It is possible to continue to use the website in this case. However, the use of the website and its services will be less effective. This is due to the function of our cookies, which are used exclusively to provide you with personalized, efficient, and safe services.

Use of Data We Collect on Our Website

Our collection of information aims to provide services effectively and efficiently to all our customers and users. We also use collected data to market our services and business, improve our website and improve our recruitment efforts.

Here are all the ways in which we use data collected on our website:

Data from Customers:

  • in order o provide services according to your submitted tasks and projects.
  • in order to create a new customer account on our platform.
  • in order to share data with the customer related to active products.
  • in order to effectively and timely charge customers and receive payments.

Data from Website Users:

  • In order to efficiently manage our website and improve its user experience, as well as to monitor its performance. This refers to data analysis, troubleshooting, surveys, research, and collecting user data for statistical purposes.
  • In order to maintain the highest and the most effective security processes on our website.
  • In order to determine the most relevant ads, we serve to the users of the website.
  • In order to be able to recommend relevant services to users who visit our website.

Content Creators and Contractors:

  • In order to ensure any information within the contract from either party is fulfilled. This includes allowing customers access to secure services and information.
  • In order to communicate about the projects that were assigned to contractors and content creators.
  • In order to facilitate secure and efficient service delivery from contractors to us.